Microprocessors Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 by Ramesh Gaonkar
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Book: Microprocessors Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085
Author: Ramesh Gaonkar
Edition: 2010
About The Book
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications With The 8085 is a detailed guide that provides information on microprocessors, covering its hardware and software areas based on the 8085 Microprocessor family. The book was first published in 1984 by author Ramesh Gaonkar. The updated edition-5th edition-includes the most recent technological changes.
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications With The 8085 focuses on 8085 microprocessor family to teach the basic concept of programmable devices. Providing explanations from fundamentals to applications, the book prepares the readers to apply various concepts in their jobs related to microprocessors.
The book is divided into three parts. The first part is called Microprocessor Based Systems: Hardware and Interfacing. This part covers the topics Microprocessors, Microcomputer and Assembly Language; Introduction to 8085 Assembly Language Programming; Microprocessor Architecture and Microcomputer Systems; 8085 Microprocessor Architecture and Memory Interfacing and Interfacing I/O Devices. Part two is called Programming the 8085. It covers Introduction to 8085 Instructions, Programming Techniques with Additional Instructions, Counter and Time Delays, Stack and Subroutines, Code Conversion BCD Arithmetic and 16-Bit Data Operations and Software Development System and Assemblers. The third part is called Interfacing Peripherals (I/O) and Applications. It covers Interrupts, Interfacing Data Converters, Programmable Interface Devices, General Purpose Programmable Peripheral Devices, Serial I/O and Data Communication, Microprocessor Applications and Extending 8-Bit Microprocessor Concepts to higher Level Processor and Microcontrollers. This 5th edition is published in paperback, on 1st December, 2000.
Key Features
- An additional interfacing application in the context of MCTS is included.
- A programming model of the 8085 microprocessor and its instruction sets are given.