30 Years' Chapterwise Solutions CBSE AIPMT & NEET - Biology - Arihant
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Book: 30 Years' Chapterwise Solutions CBSE AIPMT & NEET - Biology - Arihant
"The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts an entrance test for the 15% meritseats in the Medical/ Dental Colleges of India. Owing to its popularity and its significance theNational Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) receives lakhs of applications every year. Themerit list of this entrance test is also used by state governments/ universities/ institutions foradmission in the medical/ dental colleges against seats under their control.The present book containing collection of previous years’ chapterwise questions asked in CBSEAIPMT and NEET covers Class XI and Class XII syllabi spread across 26 chapters namelySome Basic Principles of Chemistry, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Solutions, States ofMatter, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, ChemicalKinetics, Electrochemistry, Surface Chemistry, Metallurgical Operations, Hydrogen & itsCompounds, Chemical Periodicity, Comparative Study of Elements, Transition Elements: d- andf-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Chemical Analysis, General Organic Chemistry,Hydrocarbons, Alkyl Halides, Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers, Aldehydes & Ketones, CarboxylicAcids & their Derivatives, Nitrogen Compounds, Polymers and Biomolecules & Chemistry inEveryday Life. The book contains last 30 years’ (1988-2017) Chapterwise solutions ofChemistry questions asked in CBSE AIPMT and NEET. All the topics that are covered under theNEET Chemistry syllabi have been provided in the book. The questions asked in previousyears’ NEET and AIPMT examinations have been covered chapterwise along with their answersand solutions. Authentic, analytical and augmented solutions have been provided for all thequestions. Hints and solutions have been given at the end of each chapter. Solved papersAIPMT 2015, NEET Phase-I & Phase-II 2016 and NEET Solved Paper 2017 have been given atthe end of the book to help aspirants get an insight into the current examination pattern ofNEET.As the book contains a large number of previous years’ questions along with their solutions, itfor sure will serve as the best Practice Resource Book for 2018 NEET Chemistry."